The power of Networking.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Once upon a time, there was a village far far out of the town called SIN. In this town, everyone lives by themselves, no teamwork, and no confidence between each other. There did not have team games such as football, basketball, volleyball.... This lady, Maiden, one day went to visit the village while she was on her way of exploring ruins or "lost city" around that area.

When she first entered the village, the villagers were so afraid of her. They were all freaked out when they saw her entering the village with her back-pack on her and a map on her hand too. Maiden was so curious about the villagers’ reaction and she tends to ask the villagers, but the villagers ran off when she approaches them. She then was so furious about that and shouted, "IS THERE ANYONE HERE CAN STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! I AM JUST PASSING BY AND LOST! PLEASE HELP ME!" she shouted.

Fortunately, ONE young man, Jason, came towards her slowly and stopped 10meters of her. Maiden then asked the boy, “What the hell is going on in this village? Why everyone running away from me?? Did i did something wrong or else?” Then the boy replied her with a funny accent, " Erm... our village is call SIN. In here, we did not actually go socialize with others because of culture beliefs. Hence, when you came, they were so afraid. Even among us, we did not talk, play, eat, hunt and etc... together. Everyone here go by themselves."

After Jason explained to her, Maiden was so amazed by the situation. So she then thought of a plan to bring them together. She asked the boy to help her up with the plan, which brings the boy to become her assistant, and there it goes her plan.

She tried her very best to gather all the villagers together with different approaches. Some failed, some succeed, but somehow she still manage to get few villagers to gather together to listen to her small speech. in the speech, chairs were arranged according to their family members capacity to prevent any conflicts or run away situation happening again. And eventually, villagers did not run away and this plan succeeded half way.

When she started her speech, she questioned one of the villagers. Why they did not want to interact with each other? Why did they so afraid of each other? Didn’t they know the power of teamwork? Why this happen in this village?

The villager replied, “In my case, i was afraid that the other people did not want to be friend with me. I have low confidence level. i am afraid to rejections of being friend, I am afraid that they look down on me." After the villager finished his answers, the entire room of villagers keeps nodding their head rapidly.

Maiden then throw back a question back to the floor, did you ever try? And this brings a pin drop silent in the room. She then continues, "Did you people even pay the effort of go and know each other but not waiting other people to come to you first? Why can’t you take the first big step??" and again, silence in the room.

"The power of networking is a very powerful. Friends can be friends because they go network with each other. They share their ideas, feelings, secrets together. They even share their success story together. God gives us the capability to speak is to interact and communicate with other people. This is why communication and create network between each other is very important. Let's say, one day, one of you here face problems of anything, and your family members could not help, then who you think can help you when you did not have good friends network with you?" She replied angrily while none of the villager can answer her question.

Maiden then introduced them what team games are and how much fun can it become. She also showed them the power of teamwork. She taught them to interact with each other and sooner or later, everyone starts chatting around and mingles with each other. After Maiden left the village, the villagers make up a tomb of her life and experience and how she influences the villagers with her motto, " You will neither learn nor know A thing without trying it".

Created by

Winson Gan Yew Kuan.